Parent and Player Participation Contract
AFA Lacrosse Guidelines for parents and players: We love our families and know that this will be an exciting and positive year for player, parents, and staff. However, we do want to review some general guidelines:
General: Travel lacrosse requires a full commitment from families and athletes. Those athletes who make our travel teams are expected to attend all practices and tournaments except in cases of injury or other exceptional situations. In some cases prior arrangements with AFA (EX. distance athletes or multi-sport athletes) are possible, but these arrangements MUST be made prior to season registration.
Participation Policy:
Selection for AFA Lacrosse teams is competitive and players who are chosen are expected to make a full commitment to the program. It is expected that players will attend all scheduled practices, workouts, and tournaments through the end of the season (Summer - through mid July or Fall - mid November). Again, see above for athletes with prior arrangements with AFA.
Failure to Participate: Failure to participate adversely impacts all other players on a team and its ability to successfully compete. There are very few acceptable reasons for absences from AFA activities but in the unlikely event that a player must miss a practice or tournament, she or a parent must notify her coaches or AFA directors in advance of missing a practice and least 14 days or as much notice as possible in advance for missing a tournament. Completing the attendance log on TeamSnap is NOT an acceptable means of communication.
Examples of an excused absence might Include:
Attending the wedding, funeral or college graduation of a close family member
Attending a significant religious event
Attending a mandatory school activity
Participating as a player in one’s high school athletic events
College visit or audition
Examples of unexcused absences include:
Studying for an exam
Going on vacation
Going to a concert
Going to a birthday party
Repeated unexcused absences from practices or tournaments will result in diminished playing time and/or dismissal from the program for the following season.
Exclusive Commitment Policy: Athletes who are selected for AFA teams and who join our program will not be allowed to double roster. We expect our players to be fully committed to the AFA team and program and we do not allow shared time between other programs. Participation on affiliate teams (Southern Stars, etc.) does not count as double rostering since those are AFA partner programs. Guest playing is conditionally allowed (with program approval) in cases where AFA does not have a tournament scheduled. (Note: guest players are not expected to pay fees or uniform expenses - if you are asked to pay to participate, you are joining another program and that would constitute double rostering.) IF ASKED TO GUEST PLAY FOR ANOTHER PROGRAM YOU MUST NOTIFY THE DIRECTORS OF AFA LACROSSE AND YOUR COACHES TO RECEIVE APPROVAL.
Refund Policy: All fees for travel seasons are pre-calculated based on roster numbers for each team and the expense of field rentals, coaches salaries, tournament entry fees, insurance costs, and supplies. The following refund policy applies to all AFA programs:
- Season Deposits are non-refundable
- A $50 processing fee will be deducted from all full payment refunds minus the season deposit
- All refund requests must be made via email and submitted prior to the start of the season. Deposits are non-refundable.
- No refund requests will be accepted after the season begins
- Exceptions, including withdrawal due to injury, are subject to approval by directors
- Please remember that your most important role is as a cheerleader for your daughter, her team, her coaches, and her program. Please refrain from coaching from the sidelines, speaking negatively about any athlete, coach, or official of either team, or from having conversations with the coaches about your athlete during team events. Please reach out to Coach Bagnasco or Stephanie Bagnasco with any concerns.
- Parents should not be present on the team sidelines during games and should not participate in practice or game warm ups unless specifically requested by the coaching staff.
- Please make sure to have your daughter at practice. We understand that there are legitimate conflicts but when absences occur there is an impact on the whole team, the quality of practices, and our success at tournaments.
- Notify Stephanie Bagnasco at [email protected] if a player absence is unavoidable (illness, family commitment, etc.)
- We have a no device policy during practice. Please make sure that your phones are put away at the beginning of practice and do not come out again until practice concludes and coaches dismiss the team.
- We are proud of our program and proud that you have all chosen to be a part of AFA. Please demonstrate your commitment to your team by wearing your AFA Lacrosse pinnie to all practices and not wearing the gear of other programs when you are representing AFA at practice, camps, clinics, and public events.
- Make sure that you are present at practice. Respect the time and effort that your teammates and coaches are putting in by making practice a priority. Repeated absences from practice can result in a loss of playing time.
- Be on time to practice. Late arrivals interfere with the quality of the overall practice plan by interrupting practice and the timing of specific activities. If you cannot avoid a late arrival it is your responsibility to contact your coach directly.
- Give your best physical and mental effort 100% of the time. As individuals and as a team, we improve through maximum effort.
- We recognize that there is a social aspect to all team sports but want athletes to remember that practice is a time to work, train, improve and prepare to dominate at tournaments. You are doing yourself a disservice if you use your practice time socializing.
- Respect your coaches. Understand that they are making the best decisions for the team and the individuals on it. Each of our coaches is a highly experienced current or former player and/or coach.
- Good habits and organization are a key part of success in academics, athletics, and life. Pack your gear ahead of time, don't leave important things behind, check your email regularly, keep your supplies lined up in an orderly way on the sidelines, conform to all uniform guidelines, etc. These habits will help facilitate your success with AFA and competitive athletics.
- Respect the game officials and opponents at all times, particularly while on the field of play; set the bar for the level of sportsmanship.